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Are Door Handles Universal? A Comprehensive Guide by More4Doors

Door handles, an integral part of our everyday lives, are an essential element of door functionality and overall aesthetics. Many people ask us – Are door handles universal? The answer isn’t as straightforward as one might think. Let’s explore this further.

At More4Doors, we see a wide variety of door handles, each designed to suit different doors, styles, and usage requirements. While it might seem at first glance that all door handles are similar, the reality is that there is a great deal of diversity in design, size, style, and functionality.

To begin with, door handles come in various styles. Some may prefer traditional lever handles, while others may opt for a modern handle set. Additionally, door handles can come in a range of finishes like satin brass and matte black. The style and finish you choose largely depend on your personal preference and the overall aesthetic of your space.

Secondly, door handles are designed for specific types of doors. Exterior door handles are typically more robust and secure than interior ones, given the need for heightened security and resistance to weather conditions. Similarly, bathroom door handles often come with privacy locks, while handles for passage doors do not.

Thirdly, the size and fitting of door handles can vary. The distance between the handle and the keyhole, known as the ‘PZ measurement’, is not universal and varies depending on the lock’s design. Therefore, when replacing door handles, it’s crucial to ensure that the new handle is compatible with your existing lock and door setup.

Lastly, while some door handles are designed to be interchangeable and fit a variety of doors, this is not always the case. Some specific door handles may require particular door preparations, specific backset measurements, or certain borehole diameters. Therefore, it’s always important to check the specifications of a door handle before purchasing.

Door handles are not universally interchangeable due to variations in style, functionality, and fitting requirements. However, the vast range of options available means there’s a perfect door handle for every door and every style.

At More4Doors, we are passionate about helping you find the right door handles that match your needs and style preferences. Whether you’re seeking a handle for a modern apartment, a country home, or a bustling office space, we’re here to provide expert advice and quality products. Reach out to us, and let’s find the perfect door handle that reflects your unique style.

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